About Us

The Asian Registration and Licensing Authority (ARLA) is an independent organization with a primary initiative to provide the best support and advancement to international trade between English speaking nations and Asia.

ARLA are an advocate of many Asian based Companies in the global market place, and seeks to promote and further the interests of Anglo-Chinese business globally, by enabling economic growth and job creation.

As an international organization, made up of member Companies, we help to promote and develop trade partnerships for English speaking firms interested in conducting Merger and Acquisition business in Asia.

ARLA has developed close relationships with national governments in Asia, enabling direct access to Policy makers, Regulators and registrar's. This puts us in an ideal position to be able to carry out the important function of confirming the legitimate registrations of our members help with the translation of Laws, Rules and Regulations and allows English speaking companies to conduct business with peace of mind.

Mission Statement

To support, and further international trade between English speaking nations and Asia...Read More


The highest standards of business conducts and ethical behaviour are one of the...Read More